-10%heart_outlinedSister JaneDEBUT BOW MIDI DRESS - Cocktailkleid/festliches Kleid - redCHF 117.00 CHF 130.00
-20%heart_outlinedkate spade new yorkPOPLIN TIERED MAXI DRESS - Maxikleid - french navyCHF 308.00 CHF 385.00
-50%heart_outlinedBirds of LoveMIT NACKTEN SCHULTERN - Cocktailkleid/festliches Kleid - blauCHF 145.00 CHF 290.00
Designerheart_outlinedFaithfull the brandTEATRO MIDI DRESS - Freizeitkleid - crimsonCHF 332.00 CHF 415.00
heart_outlinedVILAVIENNA RAVENNA ANKLE WRAP DRESS - Cocktailkleid/festliches Kleid - navy blazerCHF 85.00
Designerheart_outlinedFaithfull the brandROSARICO MIDI DRESS - Freizeitkleid - blackCHF 300.00 CHF 375.00